After a fantastic three months back in South Africa, visiting family and friends, taking part in various sailing events, enjoying all the parties and sights we could cram in, it was time to head back to our other home.
We arrived in Trinidad and have started working on the boat. Kieran is catching up frantically on his school work. Mark will be arriving sometime in December, so we are trying to get most of the work and modifications done before he gets here.
Last week we had our entire house battery bank replaced with six Trojan 6v batteries. Our previous batteries got fried, because the previous 'certified installer' entered the wrong charging settings into the solar chargers. Ah, well we live and we learn! On the bright side, now I'm also an 'expert' on batteries and their charging regimes.
I also managed to fix the seized tap in the galley, with Kieran's help of course. Next on the agenda is the toilet. A 50mm hole has to be re-drilled to accommodate the large hose. Obviously it can't be easy and NO, there are no universal toilet parts out there. Therefore, a simple 30 minute job takes 3 days.
Fortunately, I managed to source a hole-saw from some friends, over some Bake 'n Shark, at the Wheel House Pub.
is a local delicacy here in Trinni. It's basically deep fried bread dough or vetkoek, cut in half, filled with deep fried crispy crumbed shark meat. All served with condiments of your choice.
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